

Troop 46 is a boy-led troop that welcomes all boys from ages 11-17 to join our scouting program. As a troop, we learn valuable life skills like cooking and first aid along with communication skills. Scouts complete requirements using the scout handbook to achieve the next rank. Every scout starts unranked but with effort and determination, Scouts will climb the ranks toward Eagle.

For new scouts, we have a program tailored to teaching boys the basics of scouting. They join a patrol of other new scouts and learn valuable skills like leadership, cooking, working in a group and starting a campfire from knowledgeable older scout guides. Boy scouts is a safe space for any boy interested in starting their scouting adventure.

Troop 46 meets regularly on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Village Elementary School during the school year. Hikes, campouts and other events are conducted each month.

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